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Water Baptism Class @ 9:30 AM for those who are being Baptized this Sunday

We will be having a Water Baptism during our Morning Worship Service at Astoria First Assembly of God, this Sunday, June 6, 2021.

For those who are being Baptized, please arrive to the church at 9:30 AM on Baptism Sunday for our required Water Baptism Class.

If you haven't been baptized in water since you have come to the Lord, let me encourage you to follow the New Testament pattern and be baptized in water. Peter encouraged the 3,000 converts moments after their salvation to be baptized in water.

Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call.” (Acts 2:38-39 NIV)

Information For Baptismal Candidates

Please Bring:

• 1 or 2 towels;

• An extra set of under clothing;

• An extra set of clothing that will remain dry;

• A Hair Dryer (if needed);

• A plastic bag for your wet clothing;

Please Note:

• You will be completely immersed (dunked) under water, so please wear dark clothing, as thin, light colored clothing may become revealing and inappropriate. The Baptism will take place as part of the worship service; you will have time to change out of your wet clothes; you may change in the restrooms or in the designated room for Water Baptism candidates.

• On the day of your water baptism, we will go over any questions prior to the service.

• Study God’s Word