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It’s our great pleasure to invite you and your family to join us this Sunday, May 30, 2021, at 10:30 AM, for our Worship Service. Pastor Stephen Myall will be speaking this Sunday.

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Welcome to Astoria First Assembly of God church! We are beyond excited that you are here! We've got a place for you!!

It’s our great pleasure to invite you and your family to join us this Sunday, May 30, 2021, at 10:30 AM, for our Worship Service.

Pastor Stephen Myall will be speaking this Sunday on Essential Christianity — Endeavoring to Maintain the Unity of the Spirit. Maintaining the unity is practical to each believer in the local church as well as the corporate church.

(Ephesians 4:3 - “Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace.”)

Did you know that the key to peace in the church is selfless love? People often delude themselves that there is peace when there is no real peace (Jer. 8:11). However, we can show the world that Jesus is the true peacemaker if we have a community of peaceful, loving, united believers. Others will realize then that Christ must be sent from God, because only God can make true, lasting peace.

“The bond of peace” is what holds our unity together. The Greek word translated “bond” refers to a belt. It pictures the Body of Christ being wrapped with the belt of peace, a peace that is born of love.

Our bond of peace is vital to our testimony. As Christians, we have “peace with God” (Rom. 5:1) and “the ministry of reconciliation” (2 Cor. 5:18), the privilege of telling others how they may have peace with God. If we don’t have peace among ourselves, why would unbelievers look to us to find peace with God?

We hope that you will make joining us at Church a part of your weekly plans. With a relevant message, engaging worship, and plenty of activities for the whole family, this Sunday will be a celebration @ Astoria First Assembly which you don’t want to miss!

Pastor Nick Buhler will be leading worship! The Holy Spirit is always THE true Worship Leader.

He’s leading us to glorify Jesus, revealing Jesus to our hearts, and performing miracles in our midst. When the Word of God, the Spirit of God, and the Hunger of His people collide, there’s no telling what could happen.

We aren’t simply gathering to worship – we’re worshipping the Father, our merciful God, our great Redeemer, etc.

Please come and join us this Sunday! We invite you to come experience life with us!

We hope to see you in church this weekend!

Have a Blessed Week!