Welcome to Astoria First Assembly of God church! We are beyond excited that you are here! We've got a place for you!!
It’s our great pleasure to invite you and your family to join us this Sunday, September 5, 2021, at 10:30 AM, for our In-Person Worship Service.
Pastor Nick Buhler is doing a series on the book of Acts. This Sunday, he will be sharing on Acts, Chapter 10.
“Overcoming Isolation and Prejudice” - Acts 10:1-48
Subject: How can those who don’t have a chance of hearing the gospel get saved?
Complement: Jesus finds those who seek Him; Jesus sends those who follow Him; Jesus baptizes those He saves.
Big idea: Everyone deserves the gospel even if by vision and trances, by leading to unfamiliar and uncomfortable to preach, to save, and to baptize.