Please Join us this Sunday Morning, September 27, 2020, at 10:30 AM, at Astoria 1st Assembly of God, as Pastor Nick and Janice Buhler share: #5 The Wise vs. The Foolish (Matthew 25:1-13) as they continue in their "Watch and Pray" series.
Jesus said that 50% would run out of oil (persevere in faith) before He returns. What does that mean? Failure to be in a personal relationship with the Lord at his return means being excluded from his presence and kingdom. How could this happen? Consider Marriage and Family. “The family is God’s original building block of society, it’s the foundation for every dimension of human life.”
Opponents of marriage seem to be relentless at removing this foundation of civilization. When it comes to the sanctity of marriage, the Bible’s stance is non-negotiable. It’s not a conservative or liberal thing, it’s a scriptural thing. Now let’s be honest. The message of the Cross and the message of biblical morality have always been contrary to culture. That was evidenced even in the church in Corinth. There was a tension between God’s plan for human sexuality as expressed through the message of the Cross and the libertine sexual practices in Corinth as promoted by various idolatrous creeds. Our American culture’s messages regarding sexuality are just as far removed from the gospel’s messages as Corinth’s were.
The attack on redefining family has vast ramifications for our children and society.
Pastor Steve and Lori Myall will be leading worship. You won’t want to miss being in church this Sunday!